The South Korea – Mindanao sectoral discussion and B2B meetings took place at the Acacia Hotel in Davao City on Tuesday, April 26, 2022. The Philippine Embassy welcomed the business delegations from Korea, led by Ambassador Kim In Chul of the Republic of Korea. The Government of Republic of Korea is eager to build partnership with the local businesses and government organizations in order to explore further business opportunities in Mindanao. FITCorea Trading PH President Philip Kim said during the South Korea-Mindanao Sectoral Discussion in Davao City that they are excited to help local farmers by customizing machineries from Korea suitable for the market areas. “When I see Mindanao, you still need a lot of development that I observe. So that is why I would like to introduce our Korea machinery in Davao City. At the same time, we are working for the customizing of the machines which is suitable for the market areas.” President Philip Kim, Fitcorea Trading Philippines, Inc. KOICA, K-EXIM, KEPCO Philippines, K-water, LX International, POSCO E&C, DLE&C, Hyundai E&C, Lotte Pepsi, FIT COREA, and local organizations in Mindanao were among the delegations who attended the B2B meeting.