Project launching and machine demonstration of Korea Precision Rice Direct Seeder by FitCorea Phils, headed by Sir James Amparo, CEO and President of Yovel East Research and Development Inc. at Pampanga State Agricultural University last Saturday, May 14, 2022. The concept of this collaborative project is that in a clustered area all the technology needed for planting is already present. One of these modern technologies is the Korea Precision Rice Direct Seeder. Yovel East Research and Development is a company aimed at doing something positive for the environment. Their company develops products that consume less energy (or no energy at all), have no pollutants, are completely natural and when compared to non-eco alternatives have the same functionality. To date, Yovel East has already developed Solar, Wind, and Wave Energy, and now introducing the Korea Precision Rice Direct Seeder to the farmers for efficient and greater increase in yield. The Korea riding-type seeder is one method of crop establishment that will increase the level of rice mechanization as well as increase labor productivity. It has the potential as a method of crop establishment in rice production as well as seed production due to savings in labor and reduced seed requirement per hectare. The Korea riding-type direct seeder could also be used during wet and dry seasons. During the wet season, seeds were not displaced scattered by rain.